Upcoming Camps & Clinics:
2025 Youth Camps
in partnership with Socceroof
For the 4th straight year we are excited to continue running safe, fun and productive soccer camps at our home facility, Socceroof, during public and private school breaks of the 2024-25 School year and Summer 2025! Since the summer of 2020, our camps at Socceroof have provided a fulfilling soccer environment, for kids to safely spend their day.
At all Brooklyn City F.C. camps, a strong emphasis is placed on fun, soccer competition, physical activity, and social interaction for all campers in attendance. Players are coached and supervised directly by Brooklyn City F.C.'s professional coaching staff in a safe and controlled environment at Socceroof. All players will stay in dedicated groups of no more than 10-12 or less, for the entire day. In the Sunset Park facility, for example, over 100 windows are opened throughout the facility to provide maximum outdoor ventilation.
Brooklyn City F.C. camps are now available in 2 Socceroof facilities, serving more neighborhoods in Brooklyn with a day camp option, when kids are out of school!
*NEW*: Competitive Training Camps
We are thrilled to announce the launch of new camp programming available and geared for competitive players at the youth club level, and available by application/approval only. Our Competitive Training Camps will feature a more intensive soccer training environment from 9am-12pm, for the more focused and motivated player. Players wishing to stay for the general camp schedule of 9am-3pm (i.e. "Full Day"), will join the General camp for lunch and soccer+sport activities after lunch, until 3pm pick-up. They are only available for week-long camps. Benefits of the Competitive Camps will include:
- Selective enrollment, smaller group sizes
- Training-based curriculum, designed by Club Directors
- Club-level professional coaches
- Option for "Training Camp only" (morning) or Full Day
- Now available in both Crown Heights Socceroof AND Sunset Park Socceroof locations!
2024-25 School Holiday Camps
- 2025 February Break Camp 2/17/25- 2/21/25:
- Sunset Park Registration: https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/471166
- Crown Heights Registration: https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/471164
- General Camp: 9am-3pm | Early drop-off possible
- Competitive Camp**: 9am-12pm
- Competitive** + General: 9am-3pm (morning session with Competitive group)
- Extended day possible on custom basis
- ** Competitive option only available for weeklong camps
- 2025 February Break Camp 2/17/25- 2/21/25:
- Socceroof Sunset Park: 14 53rd Street, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn
- Socceroof Crown Heights: 1700 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn
- Socceroof Sunset Park:
- Single Day: $100 / player :: $85 Sibling discount
- Week long: $400 / player :: $350 / player Sibling discount
- Week long - Competitive: $300 player (9-12pm only) :: $500 / player (Full day, 9-3pm)
- Socceroof Crown Heights:
- Single Day: $100 / player :: $85 Sibling discount
- Week long: $400 / player :: $350 / player Sibling discount
- Week long - Competitive: $300 player (9-12pm only) :: $500 / player (Full day, 9-3pm)
- Socceroof Sunset Park:
- WHO: Boys and Girls born 2009-2019
- Open to ALL players, ALL clubs
Limited Scholarships available, please contact us directly to inquire: [email protected]
Brooklyn City F.C. / Socceroof Camp FAQs
* Why isn't camp "outdoors"? The Sunset Park facility is a semi-outdoor facility with over 100 windows providing natural ventilation throughout the fields, as well as a rooftop patio that includes eating areas, and turf activity area for soccer tennis, badminton, volleyball and more! In contrast to most public parks, the facility provides a stable controlled environment that is insured, maintains clean bathrooms, sanitizer, a snackbar, and more. The Crown Heights facility features a natural ventilation system that pull air through exhaut vents in the ceiling and maintaining an ongoing natural air flow.
* Will the players be playing soccer? Yes. The day will incorporate a combination of training and fun games to promote skill development. The campers will not be playing soccer 100% of the time, and will also take part in other soccer/sport related activities that Socceroof has to offer.
* Where/how will campers eat? Groups will move to the outdoor roof patio of Socceroof for lunch (Sunset Park facility only), providing the safest possible environment. We are working on coordinating a delivered meal option for players to purchase. Stay tuned!
* How will groups be formed and managed? Camp groups will be limited to 8-12 players per group with 1-2 coaches per group. Players will be grouped by age & level. Coaches will have the liberty to change player between camp groups depending on dynamics between the kids, assessment of level, etc. Any changes are for the benefit of the players experience at camp.
* What if I want to play with my teammates? We highly recommend teammates coordinating between parents and signing up for the same week(s) of camp. If we have a group largely consisting of players from 1-2 teams we can tailor the activities to maximize productivity.
* Can I (parents) watch the camp? Yes you can, for limited periods, especially for younger campers who may be nervous. However we do recommend eventually leaving the kids so they can fully immerse themselves in the camp and socialize with the rest of the campers and staff.